Summary of Long-COVID studies open to Welsh participants

Background and Context

Since the COVID pandemic, many people have been affected by after effects, these after effect are often known as Long COVID. Symptoms can range from breathing difficulties to fatigue and brain fog. These symptoms can be long lasting and can be life changing. Long COVID has become a serious issue worldwide.  This report was requested by representatives from Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and Primary Care Support Unit and Long COVID Rehabilitation Service.


The Health and Care Research Wales Evidence Centre (HCRWEC) was asked to assess the number of research projects around Long COVID that are open to Welsh participants. This report aims to provide a summary of the these research projects.


A search was made across a number of research study databases using Long COVID, COVID and other relevant search terms.
The databases/websites searched were Cochrane, Turning Research Into Practice (TRIP), Medical Research Foundation, Medical Research Council, Innovate UK, European Medical Research Council and Welsh Government. The search period was from March 2021 to July 2023.


The study found that only 4 (four) current Long COVID studies were recruiting Welsh participants and only one of these was based in Wales (LISTEN Study, Cardiff University). Three of these are now closed to recruitment (as of 1st September 2023) and the remaining study (CICERO, University College London) closes to new participants in January 2024.


This study shows that there is an ongoing need for research into Long COVID and this needs to have a Welsh component or research based in Wales, to reflect the specific needs of Welsh Long COVID patients.

Lay summary written by Anthony Cope

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